English Lessons Class Grammar | Quantifiers : One and A/ An - English Lessons Class

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Grammar | Quantifiers : One and A/ An

Quantifiers : One and A/ An


One and A / An

 1. Numeral:

*They have the same form or adjectives and pronouns.

      _ Five thousand students came to event.
      _ Thousand of people come to this event.

       *Ones/ One should to be added, if the numeral is followed by and adjective alone.


      _  Had you got a excellent point? Yes, Would two ones do.

  2. An/ A and One " Adjectives":

*To measure or count weight, distance or time....ect. You must use either An/ A or one for singular.

      _ We bought A/ One kilo tomato.
      _ The lessons online cost me A/ One Dollar an hour.

*An preceding hour in hour in the last sentence ca not be replaced by One.
In the all other context An/ A or One are not the same.

*Noun plus One gives one only or not more than one.
An and A does not mean the same.

     _  A Book is not prefect. " This is the wrong form of thing ".
     _ One Book is not prefect. " We need two or three ".

Distinguished uses of One:

*One and A " Pronoun and Adjective " uses with Others and Another.

      _ One man came to house ===> Others / Another came to house.

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